Join The Reuse Economy





Saturday 19 & Sunday 20 October

Register Your Sale

In the wake of the #weekforfuture that saw up to 7 million people around the globe rally for climate action, the UN Climate Summit and Greta Thunberg’s powerful speech, humanity’s actions and their repercussions have never been more in focus. At the same time wage growth is stagnant and money is increasingly hard to come by.

Want to know what individual action you can take for the good of the planet? Or want to just make a few extra bucks? One answer is to engage in the reuse / secondhand economy, because passing on what you don’t want, to someone who does, is a straight up top move for the planet and your hip pocket.

*89% of Australians have unwanted stuff
*33% of Australians admit to throwing these items in the bin
**6,000kgs of clothes are sent to landfill every 10 minutes across Australia
***Australians buy 27kgs of new clothes every year and discard 23kgs to landfill
**** Household garage sales make on average over $200 per garage sale

Enter Garage Sale Trail, Australia’s biggest sustainability and community event that’s set to take over garages and front yards across the country in less than two weeks time, across the weekend of 19 & 20 October. Plan your Garage Sale Trail weekend by checking out some of the best sales happening in your city here.

With thousands of people around the country currently spring cleaning in preparation for their own Sale on the Trail, Australia’s first person to be trained in Netflix superstar Marie Kondo’s KonMari Method, Sally Flower, has 6 top tips to declutter like a pro!


Understand why you are decluttering
Do you want to save time looking for things? Do you want space? Maybe you want to create a guest room? Whatever it is focus on that, this is your new mantra. You will need to come back to it again and again.

Clarify who is responsible for what
In the KonMari Method, you declutter only what belongs to you and what you are responsible for. This will make decluttering quicker and also save arguments later.

Declutter by category
DO NOT DECLUTTER BY ROOM. When we declutter by room, or by drawer, we miss the opportunity to see a clear picture of what we own. Decluttering by category will improve your decision-making efficiency, speeding up the process.

Only keep what “sparks joy”
Every item you keep must make you feel good when you wear it, proud when you display it, jog a happy memory when you hold it or serve a purpose. It must “spark joy”.

Thank what you let go of
We are living in a consumer-driven society, encouraged to buy more with little consideration of waste. The KonMari Method asks us to stop before we say goodbye and give thanks for the items that we have been lucky to acquire.

Give your items a second life
Once you’ve decided what to let go of, be kind to your stuff and to the planet by getting rid of it responsibly. Anything that is still in good condition could even make you a little money by hosting a garage sale as part of Garage Sale Trail on 19 & 20 October.



Garage Sale Trail 2019 is set to offer up a wealth of weird and wonderful sales, sellers and items for fans of pre-loved to discover around the country! There are already thousands of Sales on the Trail. You can check them out here.

Garage Sale Trail is Australia’s biggest community and sustainability event, a gigantic weekend of waste-reducing, planet saving, treasure hunting fun.

This year’s Garage Sale Trail is set to be the biggest yet with 400,000 Aussies projected to take part as sellers and shoppers at over 18,000 garage sale events to be held across the country with upwards of 3 million kilos of stuff to be diverted from landfill!

Now in its ninth year, the multi award-winning national initiative seeks to educate Australians on the importance of reuse and the need to take individual responsibility for the impact of our consumption habits whilst building stronger, more connected and resilient communities.

So, what are you waiting for? Get involved with your community, do your bit for the planet and lighten your load by putting your sale on the Trail now at

Saturday 19 October and Sunday 20 October

Sellers can register for free at 



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