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Maylene Yinarr

Interview with

(23rd November)

Interview with Dave Bruce


Maylene Yinarr

Photo – Jacinta Keefe


First up, can you please give us a quick intro to Maylene Yinarr the artist?
I am a woman, a dreamer and an artist hailing from Naarm, Melbourne. I love coffee, travel and dialogue. My art is inspired by the trials, tribulations and beauty of life and magic.

Have you always wanted to be a musician? When did you get the song writing bug?
I’ve always wanted to be a musician and storyteller. So, I work hard every day and every year to take my career to the next level.
The spark for my songwriting passion ignited in childhood. My sister, cousins, and I would dive into the world of creating stories, poetry, dancing and songs together. Yet, as I grew older, my love for songwriting only deepened. I never outgrew that creative flame. I had very good music teachers in high school who heavily influenced the way that I write – they planted the seed in my mind that maybe one day, I could develop a solid career in the industry because I loved music so much.

How would you describe your sound?
Indie meets pop meets soul. My songs feel calming to sing so I hope that comes across to listeners also.

Why do you think people resonate with your music?
My music lives between indie and pop, soul and alternative. I think people are drawn to listen to the journey within my songs – each song raises issues, highlights experiences – challenges even, and dives deep into my way of thinking. I think people find that they can connect to their own vulnerable selves and maybe open to their vulnerabilities. After shows, I like to connect with audience members, and I hear their stories and get to know them well. I hope my music speaks to people of all ages and spark conversations that we all need to have to heal.

Which artist’s music and/or performance, past or present, inspires you today?
One that I continue to love from a more recent artist is all of Lewis Capaldi’s music and performances – to watch somebody who is extraordinarily talented and resilient while facing his own health challenges and all its anxieties is very admirable. He wears his heart on his sleeve and embraces his vulnerability as his strength and superpower. I love how open he is with his fans about who he really is.



Your new single This is for Us has just been released! Describe its origin and evolution.
This is for Us was written as a tribute to the frontier wars at the time of colonialisation. I honour the journey of my Ancestors, my family and acknowledge the sacrifices that they have made in order for me to be here. I am their living dream – I am their future, past and present. I carry this responsibility with me in everything that I do. I know that we all feel this way as First Nations people.

Any tours or events coming up soon? What are you looking forward to, and what can the fans expect?
In a beautiful collaboration that starts in 2022, Melbourne band The Deans of Soul and I will be heading to share tunes in Eldorado on December 2nd!
In the coming weeks, in our Melbourne community we will be filming my second music video clip on November 25 at Mycelium Studio in Brunswick!
I am proud to announce my official Single Release Party will be held on Sunday December 10 in Preston presented by the Archie Roach Foundation with special guests The Deans, Murrundaya Yepenga Dance troupe and special guests.
I’m wrapping my debut year up surrounded by community. Next year, I look forward to breaking into the National and International stage to take my music around the country and the world.

How has COVID affected you to date? What have you introduced to balance the losses from missed events?
The pandemic was very hard, but we should be very proud of ourselves, particularly here in Victoria. Online gigs were very fun, online parties and online work! I had time to write at home. The rest was actually really nice.
When lockdown ended, I was prepared to unleash my music – I had had enough of waiting. Lockdown put life into perspective for me. I knew that I had to do something about my music career and act fast. I went straight into the studio with Sista Candice Lorrae. I have introduced more self-care time in my schedule, but I am not holding back anymore and I’m coming after every opportunity that there is.


Maylene Yinarr.

If you could perform with any music artist, Alive or Dead, who would you choose? And why?
I would love to perform with Adele. She is amazing, talented and has stayed true to herself the whole way through. I reckon that our collaboration would be something pretty special and it’s an absolute dream that I’m manifesting!

Do you have any long-term aspirations as a music artist?
I want to be working with creatives across the world in top-notch recording studios and prestigious venues. My sights are set on reaching soaring heights, not just for myself, but to inspire others and show them that it’s possible. Above all, I’m on a personal mission to push my limits, create fresh new creative opportunities and see just how far I can go.

What is the best thing about performing to a live audience? What’s been the career highlight so far?
The best thing about being with a live audience is the stories after the show. One career highlight has been Port Fairy Folk Festival – my goodness! It was absolutely magical.

Finally, a few questions for some quick answers –
Album – Rumors, Fleetwood Mac
Artist – The Script
Movie – Wakanda Forever
Place to visit – Cusco, Peru
Venue to play – Sidney Myer Music Bowl
Food – anything my twin, Marjorie cooked
Drink – Almond caramel chai latte
Person in History – Nelson Mandela
Tattoo – The elephant on my arm is in honour of my late twin sister Marjorie. She had the same tattoo on her hand. It’s very important to me.



Maylene Yinarr




Press Release 22nd November 2023 (below) HERE

shares powerful new single
taken from new EP






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