DEADLIGHTS Release New Single ‘Attitude & Longitude’ Off Debut Album Mesma

After the release of their first single Invisible Hands (Watch video HERE), and quick trip to Melbourne for a few shows, the word about Brisbane post-hardcore outfit Deadlights is spreading like wildfire. Invisible Hands has seen highly positive feedback, receiving airplay across triple j including Home & Hosed, and 2017 with Richard Kingsmill, as well as being added to Spotify’s own Homegrown + Heavy playlist. Now the band shares something heavier with their new single Attitude & Longitude off their debut album Mesma, due out April 21st via Greyscale Records; pre-orders can be made here HERE.

“We blame the way of the world for everything when really it is our attitude that needs to be pointed at.” vocalist Dylan Davidson explains on the intention of the song. “We would rather sit in the smoke of a world on fire then be the first to grab the hose. Attitude & Longitude is a call to action. Reassess your state of mind.”

Deadlights have also announced their album release show for April 21st at Brisbane’s Crowbar, being joined by The Comfort, Vitals, and Vaela.