Project Description

Jay Wood


Interview with

(8th September 2023)

Interview with Dave Bruce


Jay Wood


Have you always wanted to be a musician?
Definitely not! Haha I have a background in Journalism and then primary school teaching and the thought of making one of my hobbies a career was nothing more than a practical joke. Until suddenly, it wasn’t! haha How insane is life! :D

When did you get the song writing bug?
I’ve always loved the written word. But from about the age of 16, I began to really start writing, mostly in the form of short stories and poems. It didn’t take long before these scribbles were paired with my guitar to create songs!

How would you describe your sound? 
Easy listening, Acoustic chill, indie singer songwriter.

Why do you think fans resonate with your music?
I think mostly because it comes from a good place and is authentic, so they know I am being real with them. Most of the time people come to me and tell me how they too can relate to whatever it is I am singing about, so I guess they connect to my music lyrically.

Which artist’s music and/or performance, past or present, inspires you today? 
I think I would have to choose Missy Higgins. She performs with such authenticity that really helps you to connect with her performance.

Your new EP ‘Respire will soon be released! Describe its origin and evolution. 
This EP was written over a number of years, and as with the changing of life, so too the tracks evolved into what you hear today. I think most of the songs were written pre -2015 in fact! My intention was to continue with the utmost authenticity, and in order to do so, some songs needed to be changed/added to. Most of the songs began pre-accident, yet evolved over the years post-accident, to what you hear today. I know for a fact no songs on the EP stayed as the original version, as I wasn’t able to remember the first versions and had to essentially re-write each one to the best of my ability with limited memory. Then of course, once in the studio, I sat with each session musician and shared my vision and together we created each component to each song. Overall it was an arduously tough, yet incredibly rewarding process!

What is the signature track on the EP, and which is your favorite to play live?
If I had to pick a signature track I think it would have to be Initial Pulse. It was the first song I managed to write after losing my ability to play, so it carries great significance to me personally. In terms of my favourite track, I think I have to go with Hidden face. (but honestly it changes every week because I like to play them all haha)

Is there an Album on the drawing board?
Shhhh…..maybe ;) haha we will have to wait and see what comes, but most likely at some point!



Any tours or events coming up soon?
For the moment I am focussed on all other facets of music, but there are some (for the moment TOP SECRET) things in the pipeline…

What are you looking forward to, and what can the fans expect?
I’m looking forward to following the journey of releasing my own music for the first time! It certainly is opening many different doors, and I am in the process of choosing which door to walk through! You can keep up with all the Jay Wood news and happenings via my social media and website!

If you could perform with any music artist, Alive or Dead, who would you choose? And why? 
I think I would have to choose Missy Higgins. She has played an integral role in my journey through both music and life since the very impressionable age of 13! It would be such a blast!

What are your long-term aspirations as a music artist and how are you progressing towards them?
I think my aspirations are to spread a positive message as far and as wide as I can to as many people as possible! The way in which that may occur is entirely up to the whims of the universe! Haha I am taking everything to do with my career, day by day, going with the flow with a heart full of gratitude!

With that in mind, what piece of advice would you give to an artist starting out? 
Set your sights on what you want to create with your life, and don’t ever lose faith in yourself! You WILL get to wherever it is you are meant to be, it is all divine right timing J

What is the best thing about performing to a live audience? What’s been the career highlight so far?
I love interacting with a live audience, specifically having a chinwag in between songs or before/after my set. You meet such interesting folks and everyone has a story to tell!
My Career highlight to date is definitely being able to hold my EP “Respire” in my hands, physical proof I defied all odds and did not let the negativity in my life win!

Finally, a few questions for some quick answers –
Album – The Sound of White
Artist – Missy Higgins
Movie – Don’t have one!
Place to visit – The ocean
Venue to play – All of them haha
Food – My partners home cooking
Drink – Spicy Water
Person in History – My dad
Tattoo – I have 11 and its all of them!


Jay Wood


Linktree – Website – Facebook – Instagram


Jay Wood.

Press Release 1st September 2023 (below) HERE

Perth’s alt-indie singer-songwriter
invites listeners to embark
on a raw and soul-stirring
adventure with EP

