Project Description



Madi Colville-Walker

Photo credit: Jacinta Keefe


Interview with

(25th September 2023)

Interview with Dave Bruce


Madi-Colville Walker.

First up, can you please give us a quick intro?
Madi Colville Walker, is a proud Yorta Yorta Woman, an inspiring musician who has had many opportunities after her very first performance at the CMAA Junior Academy back in 2017. Madi holds a strong connection to her Community, Country, as well as all of the organisations and people she has connected with throughout her journey as an artist.

Have you always wanted to be a musician? When did you get the song writing bug?
For as long as I can remember, my family has always had a huge involvement within the music industry. I didn’t connect and fully acknowledge my relationship with music until I was about sixteen; when I first picked up a guitar. It took me a little while to gain the confidence to sing in front of my family. I remember my grandfather was always encouraging me to sing just to him and nan, but I was too nervous! 
Songwriting didn’t come until a little later. After attending the CMAA,  I definitely felt more comfortable with the whole concept, and started to push myself with lyrics, melodies, chords etc. 

How would you describe your sound? Why do you think people resonate with your music?
I think as I have grown as an artist I have found my sound to be country/pop, but music is so versatile now, and art has no limits, being a storyteller is what resonates most with me. When I first started out I didn’t acknowledge that I was a country artist. I was in year ten at the time (2017), at an age where you’re trying to figure out who you are, and it wasn’t the coolest thing to be a musician. When I share my songs and stories with people, I like to speak from my heart. 

Which artist’s music and/or performance, past or present, inspires you today? 
I gain inspiration from lots of different artists and their music. There is one performance I think about quite often; a few months ago I watched the “Woodstock 99” documentary, artist Jewel was one of the opening acts. When she walked out, I think at the time she was in her Twenties, just a young girl and her guitar on this huge stage; my first initial thought was how incredible it must be to sing in front of that many people! Unfortunately, she had to cut her set short, due to the crowd. I absolutely adore her music, when I saw this scene, I became a bit emotional. It made me think about myself if I was in that position, being a similar age and how intense it must have been.  

Your new single ”Yinyarr Mulana Winyarr” has just been released! Describe its origin and evolution. 
The title of my brand new track “Yinyarr Mulana Winyarr” translates into “Free Spirit Woman”, for a long time I carried these words in my mind, I knew right away that a song was in the works but wasn’t exactly sure where I wanted this pathway to go. Once I started to play around with lyrics, I started to sense that it was writing itself and it wasn’t long before I realised that the track would be about my home, Yorta Yorta Woka (Country). I feel privileged that I grew up on country, there is a connection that is so sacred and special to me.

Any tours or events coming up soon? What are you looking forward to, and what can the fans expect?
I have a few shows in the upcoming months, one I’m really looking forward to is Deadly At The TMI on Taungurung Country, alongside Uncle Mick Harding and Dan Sultan, on October 7th 2023, at 6:30pm! This show will be held over dinner and the performances full of culture,stories and songlines. 



How has COVID affected you to date? What have you introduced to balance the losses from missed events?
Covid was a hard time for many artists, I lost a handful of shows particularly during the start of these times. Although I was heartbroken that I couldn’t do what I love, I did have time to write more material. Eventually, there were many opportunities that opened up so I could perform via online shows. I remember my family used to help me make a little set up in our lounge room with a different background for each livestream show I did.
I also did a few “DriveWay” shows during this time; I wrote a little letter to put in each of my neighbours letter boxes to bring snacks, drinks chairs etc. onto their driveways to listen to some live music! There were so many extension leads running out of our house for all of my sound equipment! I really think that this brought my little street together, a few of my  neighbours are a bit older, this was my way of checking in on them and also to have a bit of fun.

If you could perform with any music artist, Alive or Dead, who would you choose? And why? 
There are so many artists I absolutely adore, it’s hard to choose just one! But I think if I could share a stage with anyone it probably would be Loretta Lynn. I have been a big fan of Loretta’s for a long time. Not only do I love her songs and stories, but they remind me of my childhood spending time with my grandparents. One of the first songs I learnt on guitar was “You Ain’t Woman Enough” then later on, sang this song for my CMAA Junior Academy graduation concert. 

Do you have any long-term aspirations as a music artist? 
My main aspiration for my career is to be a role model for younger mob. I adore spending time and connecting with these kids! I can remember when I was little I looked up to so many  leaders within my community, they paved so many pathways for us. This is a huge motivation for me.

What is the best thing about performing to a live audience? What’s been the career highlight so far?
Performing live is such a thrill! I think my favourite part is connecting to the audience, sharing stories, just having fun. I have been very fortunate enough to perform at some amazing festivals and events across Australia, one that was a real stand out was the NIMAS (National Indigenous Music Awards)  held up in Larrakia Country.  It was a very special moment, even more special to share the stage with my sister-girl, Allara Briggs-Patterson.

Finally, a few questions for some quick answers –
Album – Rumours – Fleetwood Mac 
Artist – Lauryn Hill
Movie – Poetic Justice
Place to visit – Anywhere beside the Murray River
Venue to play – the Sun Theatre was really cool!
Food – Sushi 
Drink – Iced Lattes 
Person in History –  I admire Uncle Wlliam Cooper 
Tattoo – My one and only little guitar on my forearm!



Madi Colville-Walker


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Press Release 23rd August 2023 (below) HERE

shares new single
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Kee'Ahn, Emma Donovan.



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