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Interview with

(17th October, 2023)

Interview with Dave Bruce




Have you always wanted to be a musician? When did you get the song writing bug?
I was lucky enough to have found music from quite an early age. My parents loved 70s rock such as Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd and Fleetwood Mac and it really influenced my love for guitar, both electric and acoustic. Playing guitar took me into settings with vocalists and bands which in hindsight ultimately shaped my love for collaborations. When I was in my teens I would try to write down how I was feeling instead of saying it out loud because I hated conflict. Eventually it just turned into lyrics, and the production came later on when I wanted to share these feelings with others. I never knew this was songwriting though, it wasn’t till I went into a music degree that I realised it could be a career for me.

How would you describe your sound? Why do you think fans resonate with your music?
My music is kinda like a box of chocolates. I like to think there is something for everyone and any mood. If I had to define my sound I’d probably say it’s pop orientated but lyrically I think my music is honest and relatable and emotional.

Which artist’s music and/or performance, past or present, inspires you today?
Huge fan of Vera Blue! The music she makes with Andy Mak is just amazing and pushes the boundaries of pop music. Would be a dream to collaborate with either of them someday!

Your latest single ‘Haunted’ deals with the absence of a past connection. Is there a personal story that inspired this song?
So I was trying to move on from a falling out with a close friend and it was so hard for me because everywhere I went there seemed to be these constant reminders of the friendship. It really tore me up, but hey I got a song out of it haha!



‘Haunted’ is from your new album ‘It’s Not You, It’s Me” which is due for release on the 25th October! Describe its origin and evolution.
The idea of chasing a ghost is something I really resonated with and Haunted is the product of this ineffable feeling of missing someone that isn’t in your life anymore. I felt that longing for someone in my past, made me feel like I was floating through life as a ghost l and it really impeded me from living in the present. Sometimes the worst part about this feeling is you can’t escape this person and you need to learn to coexist with the ghostly presence.

Which are the signature tracks, and do you have a favourite to: listen to/to play live?
I honestly love this album. However, I must say I absolutely love the album’s focus track ‘Learn To Let You Go (feat. Kitty Rae)’. This song was the result of a real ‘what the hell am I doing moment’ and teaming up with Kitty’s powerhouse vocals was just incredible.

Any tours or events coming up soon? What are you looking forward to, and what can the fans expect?
At the moment I have the absolute pleasure of accompanying Kaiyah Mercedes, a young upcoming artist who is just kicking goals at the moment. I’ve been producing her latest music and cannot wait to play alongside her at the Bergy Seltzer later this year.

If you could perform with any music artist, Alive or Dead, who would you choose? And why?
I would love to song-write and collaborate with Julia Michaels. The honesty captured in each track is just breathtaking and her vocals are incredible too.

What are your long-term aspirations as a music artist and how are you progressing towards them?
I’m aiming to be the best music producer and songwriter in Australia, working with both commercial and independent artists. At the moment I am just collaborating with people who share the same passion and drive as well as who excite me.



With that in mind, what piece of advice would you give to an artist starting out?
Starting out rejection is inevitable. Writing music is something so personal and its easy to take it to heart when we get rejected from different platforms. My advice for anyone starting out is to build a mindset that separates the personal from the business.

What is the best thing about performing to a live audience? What’s been the career highlight so far?
Audience’s reactions are the best part of a gig. They are honest and let you know if you’ve done a good job. Career highlight has definitely got to be playing the Palais Theatre with Kaiyah Mercedes opening for Joe Camilleri and Leo Sayer. So too, travelling to interstate for the Women of Music Production Perth’s writing camp where I got to work with Jaguar Jonze, Sparrows and Stella Donnelly.

Finally, a few questions for some quick answers –
Album – Vera Blue’s Perennial
Artist – Vera Blue
Movie – Whiplash
Place to visit – Anywhere there’s a sunset
Venue to play – Palais Theatre
Food – Gozleme
Drink – Long Island Ice Tea
Person in History – Tracy Chapman
Tattoo – My 4 elephants representing my family




