Project Description

Tommy Marsh


Interview with

(20th March 2024)

Interview with Dave Bruce


Tommy Marsh


Hey Tommy, Congratulations on the release of your latest single Bed Sheet Trauma! Have you always wanted to be a musician? When did you get the song writing bug?
I wrote my first song when I was 9. I could barely even write but I put pen to paper and made a melody. The song was about buying a new Mercedes. I’ve been writing songs ever since.

How would you describe your sound? Why do you think people resonate with your music?
Personally, I think I’ve got a unique sound that is a perfect reflection of myself and my thoughts. people respond to my music often saying “I love how you really sound like you’re having fun when you sing that part”. That’s because when I’m writing a song I’m not only thinking about making it sound good, I’m also writing it so it will be fun to perform, which is the part I love doing most.

Which artist’s music and/or performance, past or present, inspires you today? 
I draw my performance inspiration from Elvis, and Micheal Jackson. they knew how to own the stage, which is what I try my best to do when performing.

Can you tell us more about the origin and evolution of Bed Sheet Trauma?
The song first started with this UK garage beat I found. This was perfect because I was going away to Loxton, a small town in the riverland in south australia. We stayed in a small cottage out of town. It was really hot weather and my room was small, and it was hard to sleep.
This inspired the first first verse/intro “ Four walls feel trapped in a Toom, lay awake while I seek for a clue”. The song touches on me reflecting on love and sadness and not being able to do anything about it because I’m trapped away in my room.

Is there an EP on the drawing board?
I plan on releasing an album at the end of this year 2024. The album will consist of 10 tracks with a couple features.

You just performed at WOMADelaide over the past weekend, can you tell us more about that experience?
It has always been a dream of mine to perform at Womad. Every year through high school I would save up and go with my friends and it was always the best time. When I hit the stage and saw all the people there I instantly felt at home. It was a magical experience I’ll never forget. I even got pushed around in a pram as a baby at Womad.

If you could perform with any music artist, Alive or Dead, who would you choose? And why? 
I’d love to perform with Kerser because his crowd would probably respond really well to my music and it would be sick as.

Do you have any long-term aspirations as a music artist? 
One of the main reasons I’d love to really make it with my music is so that I can tour the world and not only see the world but also meet so many people who can relate to me. I always wanted to travel but I don’t see myself doing it unless im doing it playing my music.

What is the best thing about performing to a live audience? What’s been the career highlight so far?
My career highlight so far would have to be performing at Womad and getting people to sing along to my songs, and seeing them all dancing and having a good time.

Finally, a few questions for some quick answers –
Album – Man On The Moon: The End Of Day – Kid Cudi
Artist – chillinit
Movie – Avengers (all of them)
Place to visit – Kintaro
Venue to play – Crown and Anchor (lol)
Food – Sushi
Drink – Coopers Pale Ale
Person in History –  my Mum
Tattoo – (If you don’t have one, what would you get?)  My giant Squid.



About Tommy Marsh

Tommy Marsh, is a 21-year-old rapper/singer-songwriter from Maslins Beach. Tommy has been writing his own songs since he was 9, and performing live is his absolute favourite thing in the world. The energy from an audience enjoying his music is an incredible feeling that he cherishes.

Starting out in a creative school, Tommy was fortunate to unlock his musical talents at a young age. His big dream? To make a positive impact through his music, motivating others to make positive changes in themselves and the world around them.

Tommy is one to watch, starting 2024 with a bang making his first festival appearance at WOMADelaide on Friday the 8th of March.


Tommy Marsh




Tommy Marsh.

Press Release 8th March 2024 (below) HERE


How writing makes
being alone feel okay


Tommy Marsh.