Project Description



Interview with

(31st August 2023)

Interview with Dave Bruce



Photo – @bonncreativ



Vermantics is big melodies, infectious instrumental hooks, and a high energy live show to back it up. With the support of Auric/Reynolds and distribution through Universal Music they have been releasing a steady stream of singles over the past 12 months.

Consisting of brothers Stefan (vocals/guitar) and Daniel Fedele (bass), Jack Stevenson (guitar) and Julian Perrotta (drums), Vermantics grew up in South Australia before individually moving to Melbourne in ’21 and forming the band. The next twelve months were spent writing and demoing songs before their live debut at the world famous Cherry Bar in early 2022.

Since their live debut Vermantics have been touring Australia playing sold out shows as both a headliner and a support for Rock n Roll legends including The Screaming Jets and Disneyland After Dark (D-A-D).




Photo – @bonncreativ


Congratulations on the release of your latest single Thinking of You! What is the inspiration behind this song?
Jack: Thank you! The music came first, it generally does for our songs. It had a really strong emo

How did the band come together? Is there someone who is a “driving force”, or do you all make decisions together?
Jack: Stef and Dan moved from Adelaide to Melbourne with the idea of starting a band and recruited Julian and me once they were over here. The weird thing is that we’re all originally from Adelaide!
Vermantics is definitely a democracy, we make decisions as a group and we all have our roles that we play within the band. Having said that, Stef did make us all sign a contract that only he could have blonde hair…

How would you describe your sound? Why do you think people resonate with your music?
Stef: We’d say our sound is a combination of old and new. Melody is the most important thing to us, I think you can hear that in Thinking of You. But we also like to have the energy of old school rock music, we write our songs to have an impact on stage as well as in the studio.

What do you hope your fans / listeners feel when listening to Thinking of You?
Julian: We don’t mind what they feel as long as they feel something!!!



Which artist’s music and/or performance, past or present, inspires you today?
Stef: It’s so hard to pick one! I’m gonna say Queen
Dan: Nothing But Thieves

Jack: right now? Ummm… Hole
Julian: Led Zeppelin

Is there an EP or Album on the drawing board?
Dan: We currently have an EP in the works and would love to look at releasing and album when the

Any tours or events coming up soon? What are you looking forward to, and what can the fans expect?
Stef: We have a bunch of shows to announce soon! There’s a headline show we’re looking forward to and an awesome support slot that we’re so hyped about.



If you could perform with any music artist, Alive or Dead, who would you choose? And why?
Jack: Otway and BarreX, so they can teach us all their stage moves…

What is the best thing about performing to a live audience? What’s been the career highlight so far?
Stef: It’s a feeling you get no where else. The feeling is indescribable. We played in Chelsea Heights, VIC suppor

What’s a final message you have for your fans reading this interview?
Stef: We’re super grateful for the amazing support and love riding every step of this journey with everyone!



Photo – @bonncreativ


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Photo – @bonncreativ


Press Release 29th August 2023 (below) HERE

confess their feelings
in latest single

