Project Description

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  • Cassidy-Rae
  • Pandemonium
  • The Ghost Inside



+ Hope D
@ Corner Hotel, Melbourne,
13th February 2024
(Live Review)

Review by Stephanie Tang

Photos by Samantha Meuleman (@samantham_shots)



K.Flay / Photographer – @samantham_shots


Dynamic rapper and songwriter K.Flay returns to Australia, bringing Queensland based Hope D along for a groovy ride. Kicking the MONO in Stereo tour off in Melbourne, fans were treated to first listens from the new album and cult favorites.

Firstly, we’ll address that Blink-182 were playing literally down the road the same night. With both artists being in the punk sphere, it was so awesome to see The Corner packed for opening act Hope D. Dingy, grungy and a little battered, with the crowd swelled around the stage, it felt intimate.


Hope D

Hope D / Photographer – @samantham_shots


Hope D is an awesome musician. Breaking out in 2019, then placing on the Triple J Hottest 100 Countdown in 2020, she hasn’t been on the circuit long. Yet she writes some sweet, sweet melodies with hooks that land every shot. A highlight was a cover of Britney Spears’ “Toxic” like you’ve never heard it. A spiky punk rendition with guitar slams and interesting tonal changes which made the pop classic, dare I say even better. “Swim” a melodic rock ballad peaked the night with it’s earnest lyrics and Hope D’s playful voice.

Possessing a melodic slightly raspy voice, she made light of powerful choruses and sustained high notes. Aided by a terrific band that kept well on time and a truly satisfying plucky bass, the set sounded solid. Despite rapping with earnest bashfulness, Hope D is so clearly talented I can’t wait to see the progression of her song writing. An engaging set that was equal parts viper rock, and warm house party.


Hope D

Hope D / Photographer – @samantham_shots


K.Flay didn’t make the crowd wait long, bursting on stage to “Giver”, an older track that many in the crowd joined in with. Nothing compares to hearing K.Flay live. Her tracks are boisterous, layered and oozing with attitude. Feeling the thumping bass underneath your soles, seeing her in the flesh washed in blue, fists in the air, and her arms flaying like a marionette is a stimulating experience. Like an erratic kinetic puppet, there is a lot to see and even more to hear.

An eclectic mix of genders, ages and subcultures are in attendance tonight, and all loved “Weirdo”, an upbeat garage rock tune. This loosened the crowd up as she launched into cheeky hand clapping track “This Baby Don’t Cry”. Contrasting greatly to oozing rap “TGIF” with its sharp slashing guitar solo, the perfect song to play whilst plotting the demise of your enemies.



K.Flay / Photographer – @samantham_shots


Displaying a brighter side, K.Flay launches into her most poppy song of the night “In America”, a track off newest album MONO. A master at layering sounds and bending genres K.Flay makes pop melodies like this edgy, with sharp snares and  buzzing hi hats. Then in track “Punisher” she draws the crowd in with the slower, soft-spoken verses before exploding with fat guitar chords. So many times, tonight I’ve gotten lost in the hypnotic rap to be enticed out, then back down in clashing instrumental solos.

“Carsick” elicited some excited shouts. The track’s blast beat drums nearly blew my head off, felt down my throat and under my feet. Another example of a track where the vocal parts are sustained and dreamy, then punctuated with intense drums.



Modern technology and social media have phones glued to our hands. It took me until mid-show to realize why my vision hadn’t been distracted easily thus far. Because there weren’t dozens of mobile phone screens glaring back at me. I attribute this to a more Gen Y dominant crowd. Nothing wrong with filming your favorite song, or a moment to share and remember later, which some did do tonight. However, it was refreshing to see everyone so engrossed in the show, not captioning posts or basically live streaming the entire concert.

Phones mostly stayed down with the exception of one song, that’s right “Blood In the Cut”. It’s sensuous, it’s sassy, its dangerous, it had people singing and dancing to the beat. Red strobe lights over the crowd created a hazy intense atmosphere. K Flay surprised the crowd by transitioning into “Bulls on Parade” by Rage Against the Machine. A heavy hitting track lyrically and sound wise to amp up the frenzied crowd.

Launching back into a run of tracks from MONO including “Shy”, “Hustler” and even “Irish Goodbye”. K.Flay has collaborated and featured artists from numerous genres on her tracks. Usually, musicians don’t play these feature tracks live for whatever reason, but tonight’s set included several of her collaborations and they were some of the most well received.



K.Flay / Photographer – @samantham_shots


K.Flay shared MONO was made whilst deaf in her right ear, she woke up that way suddenly one morning. She remains deaf in that ear. At the time she couldn’t even comprehend continuing to make music, let alone touring. It makes “Are You Serious” even more emotional and jarring to hear live. Judging from tonight’s show alone, you would have no idea. Instead, tonight’s show was like when there’s a chasm, and instead of reversing you hit the gas hard, so you launch arching through the air and hit the other side.

Finishing with “High Enough” seemed a good way to end the night. A tantalizing pop song undercut with a bold attitude and message what you’ve got is enough, no need to go searching for anymore. Tonight’s performance was more than enough to satiate the Melbourne crowd.



K.Flay / Photographer – @samantham_shots


Check out Samantha Meuleman’s (@samantham_shots) full gallery of this event HERE


Follow K.FLAY



K.Flay / Photographer – @samantham_shots


Press Release 13th January 2024 (below) HERE

kicks off 2024
with intoxicating new single


+ Australian Tour
starts next month





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